August 11, 2006
New Resolution Drafted
It appears the UN has a new resolution ready for vote later this evening. This one moves from a Chapter 7 resolution to a Chapter 6, which sounds an awful lot like intentionally repeating the mistakes that got us here all over again. We'll see how it plays out.
For the record, it seems to me that Israel should in fact return the Shaaba Farms region, not to Lebanon, but to Syria. I do not think it should be part of this resolution, nor should it happen in the near future. It needs to happen seemingly out of the blue in order to solidify it as a true good-will gesture. The region is only 5x10 miles in size, but the return of it would impact world opinion greatly. Yes, I am aware that Israel wound up with this land after a defensive action, but that makes the gesture all the more meaningful, and would clearly and unequivocably place them on the moral high ground.
Posted by Andy at August 11, 2006 02:17 PM to the Politics category