April 27, 2005
More Warcraft Pics
As promised, here are two more pictures from the game, both showcasing some stylish gnome engineering. Both images may be enlarged with a click.
The first features my new super speedy elite mechanical riding chicken. The picture can't really do it justice, but it has a rear view mirror and horn attached, as well as on-board heating.
The second image displays my mechanical chicken companions. The small one is a pet, much like a cat or rabbit, and the large one fights with me, pecking relentlessly at my enemies. Yes, that's right, I have a battle chicken.
April 16, 2005
Voice Lessons
I just started up again with voice lessons last week, and after two lessons I am very pleased. The only problem is that the distance is a bear and traffic is bad getting there, but the lessons themselves have been fantastic thus far.
April 09, 2005
World of Warcraft Gallery 1
Over the next few days I'm going to post some pictures from within the game I've been playing these past several months. There are some pretty amazing scenes that come up from time to time.