March 27, 2007
First Day of Class
Today was my first day taking IFSM 201 from UMUC. This class may cover a lot of things I already know, but will hit some new things as well in the realms of computers and office-type software.
I can't shake the feeling that this is all just wrong. I don't entirely know why. Maybe some of it has to do with my previous negative experiences with trying to finish school, but regardless, I just don't feel right taking classes anymore. I'm still gonna force my way through until I better option presents itself I suppose. This is all very weird coming from me, a guy who always got straight A's and had no problem with school even when pretty exhausted. I'll just have to keep praying about it.
March 08, 2007
We're Getting a Parking Lot
I participated in a ground-breaking ceremony for my church, Mt. Carmel United Methodist, this past Sunday morning. It was a neat experience, and it is always nice to see everyone there again. I don't get there often due to the time of day services are held.
I believe the only thing being built right now is a parking lot, or parking lot extension, but it's better than the nothing we've had for the past 12 years.