September 15, 2005
Disaster Relief Fundraiser
Given the state of affairs in New Orleans and the surrounding region, I have decided to sell my religiously-themed note cards and bookmarks as a fundraiser to aid in the reconstruction and rescue efforts. The entirety of the profit from each set of 10 cards, (totaling approximately $5.50 out of every $10), will go to UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee On Relief, which allows 100% of the donation to be used for relief effort since the overhead for the organization is already covered through donations through the church.
Cards may be purchased in sets of 10 in either a standard mixed set or with 10 cards from any of the seasonal designs as shown in the attached jpeg file. Each card features the design on the front with an accompanying Bible verse on the back of the card. Each verse, with the exception of the Christmas and Easter verses, are suitable for Jewish audiences as well. All sets of 10 cards save the Christmas version may be purchased for $10. A set of the Christmas cards costs $12 and includes a brief holiday message and design on the inside of the card in addition to the verse on the back face. Every set includes appropriately sized envelopes included in the price.
Sets of matching bookmarks may also be purchased for $10 for a set of 10. Each bookmark matches a card in design and contains an extended version of the verse printed on the back of the matching card.
I hope you will join with me in supporting the humanitarian efforts needed to restore the once great city of New Orleans and the surrounding areas damaged so heavily by Hurricane Katrina. Orders may be sent to
Yours in fellowship,
Andrew Mosmiller
Andy the cards are great as always, although Susanne and I have contributed directly through the Red Cross efforts.
Posted by: Jim at September 27, 2005 10:04 PMI certainly understand that. No worries. I just want to add to the mix overall.
Posted by: Andy at September 27, 2005 10:26 PM