January 13, 2006


Ok, now that I've titled this "guidelines", I'm going to open with a question instead...

Do you want to do a point buy system or do you want to roll? If we roll it'll happen here on the 12th. I have no preference and will go with public opinion on this one.

Now, for some guidelines...

We would greatly prefer if you build your characters in such a way as to make equal loot sharing fit with your concepts. We really want to stress equal distribution of loot, as other outcomes can cause minor bad blood and results in a lack of fun for some. If you have a profession or something, that's great and does not fall into this area.

Think very carefully about the having animal companions and heavy summoning abilities. If you have these abilities, think seriously about tailoring them to meld with your action seemlessly, as would be the case with a chariot pulling animal or something that would act as a noncombat asset. If we have the full 8 player roster, animal companions and summons will constantly be upstaged by actual players, and the map could get cluttered.

Some other things to consider...

  • Are you a slave/ex-slave, or do you own slaves (even a PC slave)?
  • What is your stance on slavery, particularly if you are an elf?
  • Are you married?
  • What character trait or environmental situation would cause you to stick with a group of varying ethnicity in a world that typically doesn't showcase that sort of thing? (This doesn't mean you have to like or respect everyone initially. It could be a matter of something being worse elsewhere, or otherwise having nothing to lose.)
  • There is something of a casual brutality that permeates this world in non-elven regions. What is your stance on that sort of thing? (For example, you might take prisoners, and you might not. Killing them would not be evil in many situations in this world, because it's just the way things are done. Likewise, brutal punishments may not bother you, or maybe they do.)
Posted by the prophet Harakhet at January 13, 2006 03:34 PM to the Characters category

I would like to roll for it, personally. There's more at stake, and given the harsh nature of the world this setting will be in, I feel that a greater feeling of randomness would be appropriate.

"Are you a slave/ex-slave" I was reading through this too fast and I could've sworn that Andy was asking me if I was a sex slave.

Posted by: Kevin at January 13, 2006 06:27 PM

I would like to use a point buy system but one that is a little high like 34 or 36 points. I think it adds a level of equality to the character creation much like party loot, as you mentioned.

Posted by: TricMarcoon at January 14, 2006 01:22 AM

I'd prefer a point buy system

-Andy Matus

Posted by: Andrew at January 14, 2006 02:21 PM

After much thinking and carful calculation, plus a bit of past experience I have decided that my prefered method of stat selection would have to be the Rolling Method. This was not an easy decision as I like the benefits of both decisions. Now my reasoning behind this is in the past I have had games with rolling for stats and some people has good rolls others had not so good rolls, but all in all everyone enjoyed themselves and adjusted there play style accordingly. I guess I'm just in favor of the chance to have that really high roll rather than have mediocre stats accross the board.

Posted by: Josh at January 17, 2006 04:19 PM

~P.S. When it all comes down to it this game is all about rolling the dice anyway right?~

-Edit to above Post

Posted by: Josh at January 17, 2006 04:25 PM

Josh, are you actually playing? You're the only one who hasn't chimed in with a character concept.

Posted by: Kevin at January 20, 2006 12:03 PM

I see that we have an even 2 for 2 vote on how to generate stat numbers. Do we happen to have a decision. I would realy like to make my charcter before the 12th if possible. School is going to demand way to much of my time and while i have free time i would like to get this over with. Making a character in one evening on the 12th i know will not happen, at least for me, so i would like to start now if possible. Please let me know as soon as this law has been decided.

Posted by: TricMarcoon at January 22, 2006 08:19 PM

I should note that Kenny prefers point buy. I don't know what Amy wants, nor Ben.

Posted by: the prophet Harakhet at February 1, 2006 01:08 AM
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