Metal items in the Faiths and Empires setting are typically crafted of bronze or more rarely, copper. The elves of the Tanglewood Forest do not engage in metalcrafting or leatherworking, but have unique talents with wood and leaves that simulate these crafts in effect. These crafts go by the names Treesinging and Leafweaving, respectively.
Because glass blowing has not yet been invented, items made of glass cost 10 times their indicated value in the Player's Handbook. Most items, such as flasks of holy water, simply contain pottery substitutes, and glass windows simply do not exist unless they are magically constructed.
Light Armor
+2 AC
- Banded Leather (Atepesh)
- Leather (Halmland, Tuireadh)
- Leafweave (Tanglewood Forest)
+3 AC
- Rawhide Scale Mail (Atepesh)
- Studded leather (Halmland, Tuireadh)
- Embossed Leafweave (Tanglewood Forest)
Medium Armor
+3 AC
- Hide (not available in the Tanglewood Forest)
+4 AC
- Composite Scale Mail
+5 AC
- Scale Mail
All types of shields are available, but only the Tuireadhans and the dwarves of Upper Atepesh begin with tower shield proficiency.
A note about weapons training
Certain weapons are indigenous to specific regions and are consequently initially mastered only by those people. For instance, an Atepeshite human fighter would not know how to use a light hammer, but a Halmar dwarf fighter would. A character with the appropriate category of weapon proficiency, however, may spend two weeks training with a foreign weapon under a person proficient in that weapon's use in order to use that weapon without penalty. A character may train in up to two weapons at once in the same two week span, and the training does not cost anything but time. Using the previous example, the same human may train under a Halmar fighter for two weeks in proper use of the light hammer and forever after use the hammer without penalty. He may also train with the throwing axe in the same span, but if he wishes to learn to use a warhammer he must spend an additional two weeks in training.
Simple Weapons
Light Melee Weapons
- Cestus (spiked gauntlet)
- Dagger
- Mace, light
- Sickle
One-Handed Melee Weapons
- Club
- Mace, heavy
- Shortspear
Two-Handed Melee Weapons
- Quarterstaff
- Spear
- Longspear
Ranged Weapons
- Dart
- Javelin
- Sling
Martial Weapons by Region
Light Melee Weapons
- Handaxe
- Piercing axe, light
- Sap
- Shield, light
- Sword, short
- Axe, throwing
- Handaxe
- Hammer, light
- Pick, light
- Sap
- Shield, light
- Sword, short
Tanglewood Forest
- Handaxe
- Sap
- Shield, light
- Sword, short
- Handaxe
- Sap
- Shield, light
- Sword, short
One-handed Melee Weapons
- Battleaxe
- Flail
- Piercing axe, heavy
- Shield, heavy and tower
- Battleaxe
- Broadsword (longsword)
- Pick, heavy
- Shield, heavy and tower
- Warhammer
Tanglewood Forest
- Battleaxe
- Scimitar
- Shield, heavy and tower
- Rapier
- Battleaxe
- Longsword
- Shield, heavy and tower
Two-Handed Melee Weapons
- Flail, heavy
- Greataxe
- Piercing greataxe
- Greataxe
- Greatclub
Tanglewood Forest
- Glaive
- Greataxe
- Greatclub
Ranged Weapons
All Regions
- Shortbow
- Shortbow, composite
Tanglewood Forest
- Longbow, elven (1d8, 19-20/x2, 110 ft.)
- Shortbow, elven (1d6, 19-20/x2, 70 ft.)
Exotic Weapons
Light Melee Weapons
- Dagger, Barbed - Nubiwatep
Tanglewood Forest
- Lightblade, elven
One-Handed Melee Weapons
- Khopesh (1d8, 19-20/x2, may make trip attacks)
- Thrombash - Nubiwatep
- Waraxe, dwarven
- Warmace
- Whip
- Maul
- Waraxe, dwarven
- Warpick, Halmar
- Whip
Tanglewood Forest
- Thinblade, elven
- Whip
- Falx (1d8/x4, may be used two-handed as a martial weapon)
- Maul
- Whip
Two-Handed Melee Weapons
- Urgrosh, dwarven
Ranged Weapons
- Throwing stick, Atepeshite (1d4, x2, 20ft.)
- Skiprock, halfling
- Warsling, halfling
Tanglewood Forest
- Warbow, elven (1d8, 18-20/x2, 110 ft.)